Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another Note from Pawnee Bill

Just one you think you've seen all the Pawnee Bill Lillie things you're going to see for awhile up comes more letters and memorabilia. Scroll down for a look at a drum believed used in Bill's Wild West Show.

All items sent in from friends of Antiqueswest who saw similar items posted here. That's part of the fun, talking about interesting old bits that crop up from time to time. More on the way. Check out the antiques section when you can and thanks for writing and calling!

Monday, August 18, 2008


Well, close but no cigar. I hail from the "all or nothing" school and it seems our CS Oval with Stars is a no show... though it had style. Floating around in the bottom of a cigar box at the house I decided to offer the plate for sale at a favorable rate, immediately setting off alarm bells from some of the biggest names -- well, actually the biggest names in the business, several of whom said they were "90 percent certain" it was "right."

Turns out it's a very old restrike, done in a wax mold and loaded with deep patina - just like the real deal. If it had been found genuine, I was going to take the family out to dinner and put a new roof on the hacienda on the proceeds.

Instead, back into the cigar box! Thanks to all of you who wrote us about this piece and to the real pros in the business who looked this plate over for me. Gentlemen all!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Vintage or 1862?

This little guy has sparked something of a controversy on the site. We had thought it was a vintage strike of the famed CS Oval with Stars and brought it out of storage for sale. Now, we're told by a couple of experts we've heard about before who say it is real and from the war years.

Your thoughts? Any other experts care to weigh in? Beautiful chocolate patina and nice overall finish.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Pawnee Bill's Drum?

All of a sudden, musical instruments. Go figure. We just moved a nice, enscribed Civil War flute, a Gibson guitar and now this comes in over the transom. Liverpool maker and with a potentially interesting history as used in the Pawnee Bill Lillie Wild West Shows. Oral history only at this point. Any scholars out there seen it before?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

New Ships Arriving at Antiqueswest.com!

It was a maritime week for Antiqueswest as a superb ship's model sailed on to a new owner and a new painting sailed in, believed to be by American painter Arthur Onslow and signed on the reverse.

Oral history has it that the depiction is of provisions and inmates boarding a "prison ship," unknown harbor but possible in the Americas though one ship bears the British flag. Great detail, two repairs to the reverse.

More photos on the way and as we learn more, we'll post it. Thanks for your inquiries.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Well, I'll be jiggered...

Superb old Walrus Ivory corkscrew by Will & Finck and straight from the Barbary Coast. As an added plus, this one has the original owner's initials carved in the handle. Boars hair brusk and mellow overall patina make this one the finest example we've handled in a long time. The simplest tools had a lot of style back then. Check it out, under "Antiques," with a few more of its closest friends.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

This Ship Has Sailed...

Off to a new owner is this recently consigned model of the freighter "American Scout." Beautiful model... and a happy new owner. The consignor of this fine model was landlocked as can be... the buyer a collector of fine ship models. Great to put them together. Have something to consign? Only $25 and the payoff, as in this case, can be great!