Monday, August 18, 2008


Well, close but no cigar. I hail from the "all or nothing" school and it seems our CS Oval with Stars is a no show... though it had style. Floating around in the bottom of a cigar box at the house I decided to offer the plate for sale at a favorable rate, immediately setting off alarm bells from some of the biggest names -- well, actually the biggest names in the business, several of whom said they were "90 percent certain" it was "right."

Turns out it's a very old restrike, done in a wax mold and loaded with deep patina - just like the real deal. If it had been found genuine, I was going to take the family out to dinner and put a new roof on the hacienda on the proceeds.

Instead, back into the cigar box! Thanks to all of you who wrote us about this piece and to the real pros in the business who looked this plate over for me. Gentlemen all!

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