Friday, October 3, 2008

FBI Tracing Treasure Trove of Art

Leslie James Skelton
Pike's Peak from Manitou Peak, Colorado - one of several dozen paintings found in the apartment of William M.V. Kingsland.

More than 300 works of art—paintings, sketches, sculptures, and other pieces by such artists as Pablo Picasso, John Singleton Copley, Alberto Giacometti, Giorgio Morandi, and Eugene Boudin — were discovered in this man's apartment after his death.

Well known in New York City’s art circles as an engaging and intelligent connoisseur of art, books, architecture, and genealogy. But when he died, he left no will… and no apparent heirs to claim the floor-to-ceiling stacks of paintings and art works crammed into his one-bedroom apartment man of which have been confirmed as stolen, according to the FBI.

For more info, click HERE and help solve the riddle of a mysterious man's mysterious past.

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