Friday, January 30, 2009

$25 Consignments: Sell Your Antiques!


It has been great hearing from so many of you in recent weeks as economic conditions turn many of us "collectors" into "sellers." As usual, quality, early wares sell well and briskly - especially antique arms, early California pieces, photographs and militaria.

You can look at this "downturn" in a couple of different ways, I suppose, and I don't want to present too rosy a spin to it as people are, of course, suffering in many ways - but it also present opportunity for those who have saved wisely, want to invest, and have the means to acquire nice things as they "come out of the weeds."

This, we have seen at Antiqueswest, has been the case. So if you have something you wish to place with us, hit the "Consign" button and send us pictures of your item. A one-time $25 fee gets you hosting for three months on our site - though many things are not lasting for days! One caller recently told us a competing site offered to host his items for a considerable up-front fee and 50% off the sale price.

Again, Antiqueswest charges you just 10% of the final sale value when we move your item for us. An unlike other sites, you KEEP your item.

Check us out, you'll be glad you did!

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