Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Cannon Shot Comes Home... 150 Years Later

One of the really nice things about we do is the fact that we get to reunite pieces with their original owners from time to time.

This happened again this week.

We've had this nice lantern slide image of a battle-torn tree on the Sherfey Farm property on the Gettysburg, Pa. site for a little while. It has a handwritten description of the image and depicts several cannon shot lodged in the tree, obviously sent their by counter-battery fire.

A couple of days ago a descendant of the family inquired about the slide and then bought it, identifying the slide as a family favorite of the tree in the family's yard but unusual in that someone has placed protective chickenwire over the battle scars to keep scavengers from digging the shot out.

And then, to add to the "small world" aspect of this whole thing, we find out in talking with the very nice man who bought the slide that he used to live within a mile and half of our home, during a stay in the Bay Area.

So there you have it. Not quite "the cannon shot heard 'round the world," but close.

Glad it's "going home."

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