Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Pocket Time Capsule" Opened, Lincoln's Watchsmith Was Grateful

For nearly 150 years, a story has circulated about a hidden Civil War message engraved inside one of Abraham Lincoln's pocket watches.

On Tuesday at the National Museum of American History, a watchmaker opened the case and found watchmaker Jonathan Dillon's thoughts scratched neatly inside:

The first line says: "April 13 - 1861. Fort (sic) Sumpter was attacked by the rebels on the above date. J. Dillon." A second line reads, in part: "Thank God we have a government."

The story circulated around Dillon's family and friends, eventually reaching a New York Times reporter. In a 1906 article in the paper, Dillon said he was moved to engrave a message after the first shots of the Civil War were fired in South Carolina.

One hundred and fifty years later, his reaction again saw the light of day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's just the coolest thing. I heard a subsequent watchsmith scratched in Jeff Davis' name after the initial fix... not EVERYONE was for the Republic!