Monday, March 2, 2009

Scotch, a Good (Antique) Book and Firelight

Rainy in Northern California this past week and the sales have been dampened a bit, to say the least. I hate cliches but we do need the rain and being a city boy, I love it and say, "Keep it Coming."

So far, the Big Guy In the Sky With His Hand on the Spigot is obliging so maybe we'll be able to avoid a drought this summer.

When it gets like this the wife and I like to head inside for a change, she to her murder mysteries and me to my Civil War regimental histories. Hot chocolate or a good scotch (for me, she won't touch the stuff) and passing a little time reading and listening to the fire and tick-tock of the mantle clock.

Nothing better.

The rain killed a big outdoor show this past weekend that has been good to me in the past, but the phone calls are picking up again as people look to sell their wares. Call or write if you have a story to share, and if you have some good Scotch to share... even better.


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