Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dumb and Dumber Destroy Fifteen Antique Vehicles

You hear about this from time to time, a couple of miscreants get together and pool what limited mental resources they have and set out to destroy something nice.

In Mountainboro, AL, two kids ages 11 and 13 admitted to setting a fire at a local storage facility that gutted fifteen antique cars and motorcycles.

The "children" told an investigator they smashed windows on all the vehicles and set one on fire. The flames gutted the building and the vehicles that included cars, a truck and a motorcycle.

Each boy was also charged with criminal mischief and burglary.

No motive was given, but criminal stupidity comes to mind. We harken back several years ago when a couple of real low-life graffiti scribblers jumped the fences of a storage yard in San Francisco and proceeded to deface some antique and historic railcars. Damage: $100,000. Penalty: Slap on the wrist.

These stories hurt in several ways, but mainly because we love these things and don't like to see them destroyed or damaged.

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