Saturday, April 25, 2009

Maltese Boilermaker - A Riddle For You Engineers

We all know how old things can sometimes take on a life of their own, taking on a provenance - a history - all their own after they are recovered from someone's garden or, in this case, a Maltese dockyard.

It seems the Maltese government recovered what the Maltese Times is billing as a 130-year-old steam locomotive under "layers of dirt" at the much-bombed and historic dockyards recently, restoring the engine to its former splendor.

But as we have often seen when old things are ressurected, this one's past is open to discussion, with you engineering types wading in about its origin, use, and age.

Check out the Malta Times video article HERE and let me know what you think. Looks like a WWI-era backup boiler to me but I know better than to question you guys when it comes to push rods, lifters, and armatures.

Anyway, a fun little puzzle from

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