Monday, April 13, 2009

"Never Been Kissed" Scottish Diva Rocks the UK - Treat Yourself, Folks, Treat Yourself

Click HERE and prepare to be overwhelmed. You'll thank us...

The embed link has been disabled I'm sure because this woman has just been signed to a rather significant recording contract but she walked out onto a stage in the UK last week and brought the house down.

I'm not big on these shows, but this was an incredible moment, made even more significant by the fact that she described herself as "looking like a garage," "never been kissed," and "live alone with me cat, Pebbles."

Gentle readers, if you want to see the triumph of the human spirit incarnate, watch this - and treat yourself to the smarmy, "know everything" look of the teenager who knew before this woman opened her mouth that she was "daff."

Brilliant. Just brilliant. Watch it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
