Saturday, May 9, 2009

Auction of Antique Torture Devices To Benefit Amnesty International

We've been around long enough to know that there's a collector out there for just about everything - and not to get too much into the psychology behind a person's collecting habits.

That said, a pretty unusual collection by any one's standards is coming up to auction in New York - with the collector wishing that proceeds from the sale be used to benefit people who could use the help.

The New York house is handling the sale of a broad collection of medieval torture devices - everything from the infamous "rack" to even more heinous devices used over the years to inflict harm.

The auctioneer says the 252 devices may comprise the most complete collection in existence of historical torture devices. All proceeds will go to Amnesty International and other organizations committed to preventing torture at the request of the seller - who requested anonymity.

The collection was last on public display in 1893.

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