Friday, November 13, 2009

Metal Thieves Pilfer Cemetary Cannon For Scap

The scurrilous brand of night-prowling metal thieves known for stripping copper cable out of commercial refrigerators and selling it to black-market recyclers for scrap may have claimed a historic cannon this week.

We obviously have a love of old things and we find this sort of thing particularly reprehensible, but it seems a crew of meth tweakers - or perhaps something more than that - spent some time prying a 1,500-pound Dahlgren gun off its mounts at a Vallejo, CA cemetery and made off with it.

The Civil War-era Naval Dahlgren cannon similar to the one we have pictured was discovered missing from a battery of others in the Sunrise Memorial Cemetery this week. Cemetery operator Buck Kamphausen says the surviving examples have since been removed and stored in safe location.

We have heard of cases back east where thieves, either stealing for scrap metal content of the guns or for well-heeled buyers who like to have 12-pound Napoleons protecting their yards, have backed trucks up to "town square cannons" and made off with them.

This theft is particularly disturbing because it took some spectacular engineering to make off with their prize.

"They took an A-frame to it to take it out of the ground," Kamphausen told a local reporter. "They dug around it enough to loosen it from the ground." This is the second cannon theft Kamphausen knows of in Vallejo in recent years, he said. One was stolen about 18 months ago from another local cemetery, he said.

Sunrise's cannon memorial is believed to have been erected in 1906 in its Spanish-American War section.

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