Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Mom Threw Away All My Comic Books...

AntiquesWest was big on reading back in its formative years - latching onto comic books for about a month before moving on to Melville and sea stories. Mom threw away all our comics and don't think that didn't make us wince when we learned that a cherry edition of Action Comics No. 1 - the pinnacle of comic collecting - sold yesterday for a cool $1 million.

That's $1 million - for a comic.

The 1938 copy, the first depicting Superman in action, was sold by a private seller to a private buyer. Everyone wants to remain anonymous. And, oh, the issue appears to have kept pace with inflation nicely, thank you, as we remind you that it first sold to some appreciative youngster for the princely sum of 10 cents.

1 comment:

Prentiss said...

I hear you. My old lady threw away the comics books AND all my baseball cards. That really tested the maternal bonds, let me tell you!