Monday, May 3, 2010

Into Fresh-Baked Sourdough Bread? How 'Bout An Antique Starter?

Yeah, we're into food here at and, as fourth generation Californians, we like our old San Francisco sourdough recipes and treasure them.

The Wall Street Journal food editor did some experimenting with a venerable starter, recently, and here are the results:

Now, we come from a family that makes its own vinegar, grows its own vegetables and before the sheriff closed in - used to shoot its own venison. So this time-honored approach to making bread strikes home. There's nothing like the smell of fresh-baked bread and, yeah, you have to have butter to go with it.

Anyone hungry?


Anonymous said...

Good lord I'm drooling here!

Langley said...

Is this for a sourdough?? Not a san francisco style sourdough, right. They say the starter is from the 18th century... very cool!!

Jaye Mardlen said...

Fun story. Dropped the hint to my wife but she didn't go for it. Nothing like fresh baked bread!!

Leila Prentiss said...

Going to try it tomorrow night. I'll let you guys know how it goes.


Anton Marcovich said...

It would be cool to get some old recipes and cook them up to contemporary standards. I saw an old book of railroad dining car recipes last year and bought it. Haven't had time to make the Pullman Meatloaf but I will.