Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ultimate Home Defense Weapon - The Katana, Hopkins Student Kills Burglar With Sword

Beautiful. Lethal. We love and collect them - the old ones crafted with love and honored by time.

But today a student at Hopkins University used a katana - and probably not one of those late-night Home Shopping Crappo Models - in a to-the-death fight with a burglar. He won.

Antiqueswest is reminded of a tale told by a Pacific War veteran of WWII, who talked about securing a Marine fighting position overrun the night before by Japanese forces and finding an officer's longsword cleaved neatly into the cooling jacket of a .30 caliber machine gun.

The awesome striking power of these swords came into play in the 21st Century early this morning, when a student named John P. (we won't use his last name) confronted a burglar who had just broken into his student housing for the second time in two days.

Apparently the burglar, who has a lengthy record, charged the student who struck a defensive blow that tore into the man's torso and almost completely severed his right hand. The man died of exanguanation as Baltimore Northern Police District officers responded to the scene.

It appears he had burgled the same residence a day earlier.

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