Saturday, October 3, 2009

No Buyer For Samson The T-Rex - Yet

Sampson, a fossilized Tyrannosaurus Rex with a great pedigree, failed to sell today and was brought in, though auctioneers Bonhams & Butterfields say they'll find a good home for the "Thunder Lizard" soon.

A number of institutions and individuals have expressed interest in the old bag of bones, which Bonhams hoped would bring $6 million when it went up for bid today in Las Vegas.

High bid today was $3.7 million.

Paleontologists say 170 bones discovered 17 years ago in South Dakota represent more than half the skeleton of a 40-foot-long, 7 ton dinosaur that lived 66 million years ago.

A similar fossil sold for $8.3 million in 1997.

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