Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Postman Always Rings Twice - 'Cause He's A Customer

In business for 15 years now is constantly surprised by the extent of its own reach.

We've sold a lot of cool antiques in that time and managed to reunite a great many old items with the descendants of their original owners. We really like that.

But as a result of this constant interaction with folks who like the same old stuff we do, we find that that the once great circle of collectors and buyers is tightening somewhat.

This was borne out recently when a replacement mailman came to our door for a delivery and promptly said: "You're the antique guy."

He got that part right and I said so. That's when he said: "I've bought a bunch of things from you."

He gave me his card and I recognized him from his email address, of all things.

"Nice to finally meet you," he says, before climbing back into his truck and running off to complete his rounds.

And there you have it. Our customers are everywhere - and neither sleet, nor hail, nor dark of night will deter them from their collecting ways.

1 comment:

Chambers said...

Hilarious and it's a small world now, isn't it?